'Cheeky Charlie'- Life in the Irish Countryside


Today started with a dazzling sprinkling of snowflakes over the drumlins. The golden sunshine of the morning gently embraced the hills, and gradually a beautiful bright day was revealed. I'm currently busy photographing my brand new collections and updating my website for their launch. The weather was so lovely, I decided to shoot outdoors amongst the fairy trees, and gorse. It proved a productive day....until.....

Little Charlie chose to jump from a tree top and landed badly on his spindly legs. My first thought was that it was broken, as he was limping and had gone off his food and play. An impromptu visit to the vets was necessary. Luckily it was just a bad sprain, and he's now resting in bed and getting plenty of cuddles and kisses to aid him in his recovery. Relaxing in the garden for the remaining evening was called for, and the day drew to a close amongst the wildflowers and tree blossoms.

Hope you enjoy a day in my life. Please remember to click subscribe, like this video and leave a comment! It all helps with the growth of my channel, and I always love to hear from my wonderful subscribers. ~ Gillian x