'A day in my Life'- Artist studio tour & farm life


The farm has been cloaked in a sparkling veil of frost the last few days. A winter wonderland has been revealed and it is utterly enchanting.

Here’s a little glimpse into parts of my day as an artist living and working on our farm in rural Co. Cavan. Everyday is different, offering much needed variety and interest. Some jobs are like clockwork; such as feeding the cows and milking, while my work in the studio varies quite a bit. As I’m a one-woman business, I have to wear the hat or several employees; Artist, designer, photographer, website designer, packing and logistics, accounting and the list goes on! It’s a lot of work, but my passion for my art and my loyal customers supporting what I do makes it all worthwhile. I hope you enjoy spending the day with me. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe! Also let me know in the comments if you’d like to see more videos like this one. Have a wonderful day wherever you are in the world. ~ Gillian x